Where does the time go? Dang, just realized how long it's been since I posted anything!

Today's post is all about squares....180 of them!

My first college roomie, Ena, had a baby in July, and when I heard about it, I had recently started crocheting, so I decided that making a baby blanket would be a great baby gift. In the second class I took, we used the pattern for a baby blanket made of granny squares as a 'sample', it seemed very simple and I thought "Hey it only took me a few minutes to make each of these, how long can it take to make the whole blanket?!" The answer....2 months! I started this at the end of June and finally sent it off to Ena and David when David was about 2 weeks old.

So, here are some pictures of this work as it was in progress and finished....
This is what happens when you don't pay attention to what you are doing - it gets sewn together sideways!

I finally got it straightened out and all the rows put together..now time for the border!